jueves, junio 23, 2011

"Super carriers"

Los grandes portaaviones americanos, punta de lanza del poder militar USA, parece que empiezan a ser contestados, desde el punto de vista de validez estratégica, por algunos analistas americanos, como el texto que transcribo a continuación.

Y una explicación de como son y actúan dichos navíos, puede leerse clikando el vínculo en "Bill Clinton famously said", cuya frase yo he reproducido aquí a menudo (¿Dónde está mi portaaviones?).

Coronel Von Rohaut

For seven decades, they’ve been the ultimate symbol of American power. When conflicts break out across the globe, U.S. Navy aircraft carriers — fast, mobile and each packing more firepower than most countries’ entire air force — have been the first responders, more of than than not. “When word of crisis breaks out in Washington, it’s no accident the first question that comes to everyone’s lips is: where is the nearest carrier?” Bill Clinton famously said.

But today’s 1,000-foot-long, nuclear-powered supercarriers and their air wings are expensive, costing up to $15 billion just to build. Plus, the latest anti-ship missiles could render them vulnerable to attack. It’s for those reasons that one influential Navy officer is proposing the Pentagon rethink its approach to building and deploying carriers.

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