sábado, marzo 26, 2016

Las Fuerzas Especiales de las potencias occidentales

Han de actuar como la vacuna que nos inmunice contra las fuerzas segregadoras que atacan nuestro sistema nervioso central desde el exterior o bien infiltradas en el interior.

As diverse as the special operations community is, from Norway’s FSK to America’s Ranger Regiment to Australia’s SAS and so many others, it’s their combined efforts to perpetuate Western civilization that keep it preserved. Since the conclusion of the Second World War, the Western world, and America in particular, has dominated the international system. This system has been constructed and instituted via two guiding frameworks: the Westphalian system and Bretton-Woods. This system is now being deconstructed, and smaller and smaller groups of warriors from the West are being burdened with the task of propping up a post-war legacy institution.
Coronel Von Rohaut

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