domingo, octubre 29, 2017

"Remember we the catalans, too"

Do you remember when?: you remember when your country was occupied by germans and russians?...Txec and Slovaquian do you remember when your country was occupied by austrian and hungarien? Do you remember Praga spring?...Frau Merkel do you remember when in your "democratic deutche republic" with vopos and OKW was a repression and  "berliner mauer"?   Croats, slovens, bosnians, macedonians, you remember yugoslavian comunist dictatorial sistem?...Baltics, letonians, estonians, you remember USRR ocupation?..Suomi Finland do you remember USRR war and occupation?...Irish do you remember your independence war with british to get your freedom?...Hollander and belgian do you remember spanish occupation?...United States probably remembers your independence war to be free and out of England....Texas do you remember Alamo battle, general Santana....Spanish south american remember Bolivar, San Martin, Artigas to independence from Spain...

We have being fighting during more 300 years to become free.
Why now don't you help us to win our freedom?

Thank you to leasent us.

¡Long life for democracy, freedom and civilian rights in Europe, and catalans too!

Coronel Von Rohaut

(PS) Lo he retranscrito de un documento recibido y pido perdón pues en su redacción inglesa aprecio muchos errores y alguno he corregido...

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