miércoles, julio 03, 2013

Más sobre la guerra sucia en España

El "premier" británico Cameron alerta que la obsesión y dedicación del gobierno español en espiar a los soberanistas catalanes está menguando la atención a las directrices de la NATO y los presupuestos dedicados a la defensa.

Muchos armamentos modernos españoles sin el debido mantenimiento o puestos a la venta en el mercado de saldo. También influye la crisis económica, pero Catalunya les quita el sueño y les detrae dedicación a temas superiores de defensa nacional.

Sí, son burros estos castellanos...

Coronel Von Rohaut

Thus, while myriad weapons systems were no longer properly maintained and were often offered for sale in the international market, the CNI [National Intelligence Center] saw its budget skyrocket in order to finance a dirty war against Catalonia, which is moving towards a restoration of her sovereignty. The impact on NATO and the maritime democracies is that the limited capabilities which Spain could bring to bear have deteriorated to such an extent that Madrid is even more of a free rider than she used to be. Just to give an example, Spain refused to modernize the light carrier Principe de Asturias, decommissioning her early. She is now trying to find a buyer. Why? The answer is straightforward: she was not needed to launch a coup against Catalonia. The fact that NATO may have found her useful to take up some of the US Navy's duties in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, thus facilitating the Pivot to the Pacific never entered the mind of Spanish leaders. They have never believed in NATO, and their obsession to keep Catalonia at all costs, even to the extreme of committing war crimes against civilians, has reinforced this cavalier attitude to Allied security. To be honest, we must make it clear that many Spanish officers do not share this attitude and would prefer to see their country become a normal NATO partner.

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